As I'm sure it was the case for all of my students and their families, I began the day with mixed emotions, but mostly nervous excitement. I was thrilled to see all of the faces of the students in my class whom I have known from across the hall for the past two years. It was also a pleasure meeting so many parents, and those I did not have the opportunity to meet, I look forward to meeting at the open house on the 22nd of the month if not sooner.
It was flattering to have a class so excited to have me a their teacher. So many of them had done their homework, asking questions of my previous students about what to expect. My expectations were exceeded as the entire class spent the whole first day showing off tremendous respect for me and one another, participated wholeheartedly, and began to demonstrate the depth of thinking that I expect from all of my students. I was thrilled and proud of them after just one day and have no doubt these feelings will continue throughout the year.
Parents/Guardians - Please help our class win the challenge presented by the office by completing and returning the information package sent home today ASAP. The first class with all packages returned wins!
This blog/website contains a lot of valuable information already and I update it regularly. Please get accustomed to checking it frequently. ***This means STUDENTS and PARENTS***
If you have any questions/comments/concerns or just want to say "hello," feel free to email me ( or call the school.
Looking forward to a great year!
Mr. (Dave) Moskal
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