Our class spent the morning warming up under the guidance of three experts in each of their fields of the arts: dance, music, and drama. Following that, students were divided into roles and taught their responsibilities for a final performance. After almost an hour of what looked like overwhelming chaos from the perspective of an on-looker, the students pulled off an exceptionally successful performance that included the three areas of art.
After lunch, the group headed to the basement of the 108 year old building, for guided instruction in visual arts. Our theme for the day was First Nations Peoples and Early Settlers, and our visual arts activity was specifically geared around the art of Norval Morrisseau. Just like in the morning, the class made me extremely proud by listening attentively and putting forth their best efforts. They produced some fine art in a short amount of time.
I've sent home brochures for the Conservatory as they offer evening classes as well as summer camps. I'm sure your children can fill you in if you have any further questions.