This novel is so rich with vocabulary and concepts that I am able to moderate phenomenal student discussion each time I read to the class. Students are so eager to share their ideas, questions, and predictions, that it is often difficult to even get through a chapter in a period. Their reading strategies are evolving as evidenced by their insightful predictions and use of evidence from the text itself and connections to other pieces of information gathered from a variety of sources. I highly recommend parents to read the book and I promise that you will be able to replicate the rich discussion at home with your children.
Also excited about Math!
Would you believe that your child was able to add 2.178 and 3.745 in their head?
They likely were able to as a result of drawing upon the numerous mental math strategies that we have be practising all year. Helping students focus on what they KNOW to be true and not on what overwhelms them is the key to increased confidence in Math.
See if they can show you how the question was broken down into simpler parts to solve rather than stacking the numbers and using a traditional algorithm.