Welcome to the start of a very exciting year! Yes, I am once again part of the French Immersion team (teaching English, Math, and Health) having been teaching the Core English students at Pineland for the last two years.
I am very excited to have the opportunity to now teach students who I have taught, coached, or seen in some capacity over the last few years, and also thrilled to get to meet some students completely new to me. So far, it has been an extremely positive start to the year. All classes and students have demonstrated amazing commitment to their learning, willingness to take risks, and respect for myself and one another.
I believe wholeheartedly that regular and honest communication between teachers and students and teachers and parents is essential for supporting the learning of students, academically and socially. Please don't ever hesitate to contact me with any concerns, questions, insights, etc.
This website has been revamped to meet the needs of my students this year, including a variety of resources on the right of the page. If there is any additional information that you may require, just let me know and I will endeavor to add it to the best of my ability. Many other teachers on the Intermediate team are using Google Classroom as a platform for communication. I have also delved into that world, but am new to it, so please be patient. Over the first month or so, I will try to maintain both my website and Google Classroom, trying to determine what works best for everyone.
I really look forward to seeing familiar faces and meeting new ones at next week's Open House!
Mr. (Dave) Moskal
Last updated...
Welcome back... I've found that this platform allows me to communicate everything that is going on in my class and at the school. Plea...
Welcome to the start of a very exciting year! Yes, I am once again part of the French Immersion team (teaching English, Math, and Health) ha...
As I have often shared (because it would be impossible for me to hide), and anyone who has ever met me can attest to... I am a very emotiona...
As much as being at home with the family was wonderful, it was great to see the class once again. Everyone shared some of their experienc...