In case anyone is looking to get extra practice or work ahead in order to feel more successful in any or all subjects, here are some ideas that will be covered in class over the coming weeks:
- Measurement is the strand
- metric conversions (e.g., m --> km, l --> ml, g --> kg, etc. and vice versa)
- keep in mind when converting: Will there be more of less of a unit after the conversion? If more, multiply. If less, divide. Think about by how much... 10, 100, 1000?
- review how to find area and perimeter of rectangles - using formulas
- discovering how to find area of triangles and parallelograms
- solving for surface area of rectangular and triangular prisms
- continue using DreamBox consistently
Social Studies
- Canada's Interactions with the Global Community
- Exploring topics that will help students understand how they and Canada are connected to the world
- Social Studies is really focused on allowing students to explore topics or questions of importance to them as individuals - at home, use some of the topics listed below to discuss areas of interest that may want to be explored further
- Trade & Trading Partners
- Canada's resources and products
- International Accords & Organizations (e.g., NATO, UN, WHO)
- NGOs
- Global issues - Political, Health, Environmental, Social
- War and Peacekeeping - Refugees
- continue to utilize reading strategies when responding to reading (Make Connections, Visualize, Determine Important Ideas, Ask Questions, Infer, Synthesize)
- practice using these strategies even when reading for pleasure and READ EVERY DAY
- work through the Writing Process for all pieces that will be submitted - don't undervalue the importance of good brainstorming, and revise properly using many different people for support
- presenting ideas orally is a very important, life-long skill - practice improves confidence - try to vary the volume and pace of your voice, and make good eye contact with the audience and use appropriate body language and facial expressions