Friday, October 28, 2016

What we're up to

It has been busy at school and many learning opportunities keep presenting themselves. Below are some of the topics, activities, skills, ideas, etc. that we have been developing and sharing:

  • reading "Dunk" to develop reading strategies (Making Connections, Visualizing, Asking Questions / Predicting, Determining Important Details)
  • completing reading responses based on personal reading choices
  • continued using peer editing and revising to improve writing tasks (including working with class 5/6 FI)
  • improving basic Math computation skills (adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing) and then experimenting with a variety of mental Math strategies to better understand computations (e.g., decomposing numbers, doubling and halving, finding compatible numbers)
Up next in Literacy and Numeracy:

  • letter writing for pen pals in the Netherlands
  • applying numeracy skills to identify, extend, and create numeric patterns
  • BRAVO has continued for the Grade 6s and issues related to alcohol and effects on the body has continued to be looked at by the Grade 5s
  • Invasion Territory games are the focus in Phys. Ed. as is the continued focus on active participation, safety, and fair play
  • for Science we have discussed the Big Ideas for the Grade 5 and Grade 6 units on Human Body Systems and Space respectively
Please discuss these concepts at home and if any questions or clarification is required, don't hesitate to contact me.

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