- reading "Dunk" to develop reading strategies (Making Connections, Visualizing, Asking Questions / Predicting, Determining Important Details)
- completing reading responses based on personal reading choices
- continued using peer editing and revising to improve writing tasks (including working with class 5/6 FI)
- improving basic Math computation skills (adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing) and then experimenting with a variety of mental Math strategies to better understand computations (e.g., decomposing numbers, doubling and halving, finding compatible numbers)
Up next in Literacy and Numeracy:
- letter writing for pen pals in the Netherlands
- applying numeracy skills to identify, extend, and create numeric patterns
- BRAVO has continued for the Grade 6s and issues related to alcohol and effects on the body has continued to be looked at by the Grade 5s
- Invasion Territory games are the focus in Phys. Ed. as is the continued focus on active participation, safety, and fair play
- for Science we have discussed the Big Ideas for the Grade 5 and Grade 6 units on Human Body Systems and Space respectively
Please discuss these concepts at home and if any questions or clarification is required, don't hesitate to contact me.