Monday, November 30, 2015

Strategies for completing homework when you're stuck

Over many years of teaching, I have heard the following statement more times than I can count:

"I couldn't finish my homework because I didn't understand it!" (or some similar variation)

I personally do not assign homework just for the sake of it; more often, it is for students to practise a new skill or to move more quickly through a unit that should not require as much direct instruction.

When 'stuck' try:

  • asking a friend / classmate / peer
  • asking an older sibling or parent
  • reviewing notes in workbooks and/or text books
  • looking up answers on-line
    • e.g., from this past weekend's homework, some students did not know what a 'reflex angle' was (even though there was a mini lesson on Thursday) --> 'Google it': "what is a reflex angle?"
Good luck next time!

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